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Karunesh - Colors of the East (2012)

9:54 AM pantone209 0 Comments Category :

"Karunesh's latest world-fusion album captures the magic and wonders of India. Enter into a world of mysticism and spirituality and experience a musical journey through the timeless dessert sands to the modern day India of Bollywood. 'Colors of the East' is a musical celebration of the wonders of India. A great new album from award winning artist Karunesh."

Ultimul album semnat Karunesh surprinde magia si minunile Indiei. Intra in lumea plina de mistic si spiritualitate si experimenteaza o calatorie muzicala de la deserturile de nisip cele fara de inceput pana la India moderna a Bollywood-ului. "Colors of the East" reprezinta o sarbatoare a tuturor minunilor din India.

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Karunesh - Colors of the East (2012)